Blog-Post-a-Day Self Challenge

Day 1 - The Set Up & Explanation


Hi, I'm Evan. I'm an ADHD coach and like many (if not most) ADHD coaches, I have ADHD. People with ADHD often make great ADHD coaches because we have first-hand experience with ADHD brains and we're really passionate about helping others with ADHD live their best lives. For me personally, being coached has been life-changing, and learning to coach has only deepened my own personal growth. 

But I'll let you in on a secret: if you had to permanently overcome all of your ADHD challenges before you could become an ADHD coach, nobody with ADHD would ever become a coach.

To work on one of my own ADHD obstacles, I am challenging myself to write one blog post a day for at least a week.

I love writing, I'm good at it, I have a lot to say, and since my thoughts keep coming out in long DMs (direct messages) and group chats, I've gotten feedback that people would love to see me share my thoughts in blog post form! And yet I keep NOT writing or posting blog posts. I've spent a lot of time ruminating on the reasons for that and could go on at length about them but in the simplest terms, it's about perfectionism and fear of being judged harshly somehow if I put myself out there. 

I did some coaching of myself to weaken that block, and realized that I also needed a motivating goal and deadline to get me to actually DO THE THING without overthinking it. If I want to overthink things I can just turn those things into their own separate blog posts! And in fact, I cut out far more words than actually made it into this post as I stopped myself from trying to go in depth into every single part of my thought process around this challenge. 

So stay tuned for more posts from me over the coming week! Depending on how it goes, I will reevaluate and decide whether to keep going or modify my ongoing goal, but to kickstart the process and keep myself from getting too lengthy in my posts, I'm committing to one post a day for the next 7 days, starting with this one. Some of them will be GREAT, and maybe some of them won’t (my internal jury is out on this one), but I’ll be doing the thing, and the great ones can’t get out there if I just keep not posting anything.


Case study: countering negative self-talk with self-acceptance and self-compassion


Conquering my ADHD Mount Everest through the Power of Coaching